
Archive for 2012|Yearly archive page

Treasure Hunt

In Uncategorized on February 9, 2012 at 5:18 am

Location: mcdonalds, beach, cave, chocolate

Name: donny, sue, suze, micah, lala

Appearance: curly hair & hat (prom character), chocolate, green shirt, stripes

Needs: love, wrist, hands, ankles

Unusual: chocolate, blood cells, plastic surgery, bowtie

Smell: poop, starburst, starbucks, lemon

Week 3 – Trimester 2

In Uncategorized on January 19, 2012 at 3:48 am

My fear: that God doesn’t have it taken care of.

The truth: it is finished!

How am I feeling physically? 8

How am I feeling emotionally? 7

How is my mental state? 8


prosecution and defense –

Jesus and Holy Spirit pleading my case.

The accuser making accusation.

Father God says, “ENOUGH!… ”

He renders me not guilty.

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